Advanced Business Acumen and Business Sustainability Specialists

More than 25 years of experience
The Solutions

Advanced Business Solutions

More than 25 years of experience
The Solutions

Customised, Innovative Business Solutions

Achieving your organisational goals is what matters


Advanced business acumen simulation with  back-to-workplace applications to achieve business objectives and supporting strategy implementation.


Understanding your work-based thinking styles and apply this information for better team contributions, more innovation, more effective communication, innovative problem solving and project management. 



Create organisational fit for business success – your staff benchmarking programme that will improve potential workplace success for all employees. 


Realtime, online skills audit solution. Skillsgrid compiles a full skills audit in less than a day with its sophisticated, online software. Multiple functionality, trends and gap analysis. 

The benefits for your organisation

  • We are focussed to help you achieve your strategic goals.
  • Our learning programmes and tools were all designed from a strategic human resources perspective

  • All our programmes are customised around your needs and requirements.

  • We have 25 years’ experience, covering multiple countries on four continents.

  • We will help you maximise your human capital as a strategic resource.
  • Our global focus assists you to develop turn-key solutions – innovative, solid, global best practices and with a bottom-line focus.
  • The programme managers have extensive experience in multiple industries for a strategic approach to your needs.

Featured solutions are available In the following sectors:

Food sector, bottling, agriculture


Services sector

Retail sector, FMCG, Wholesale

Automotive (manufacturing/ suppliers/retail)

General manufacturing environments


