Advanced Business Acumen Simulation with Integrated Leadership and Interpersonal Effectiveness Options that is fully customisable


Understanding the Post-COVID Bigger Picture

Develop insights into the rapidly changing market environment your organisation operates in. Learn about practical organisation strategy, alignment and stakeholder requirements


Customer Experience and the Agile Environment

Managers need to understand what drives success with demanding customers and the rapid development of new products and services


Making Sound Decisions

Analytcial skills and taking sound decisions to create planned business impact has become a critical skill in modern business acumen

ComSIM advanced business acumen with integrated leadership is unique in the world – We help managers make sense of why and how leadership influence the bottom-line.

The ComSIM advanced business acumen simulation highlights for managers modern experiences in workplace innovation.

The importance of changing with our customers and why high levels of leadership and inter-personal effectiveness to deliver powerful outcomes for organisations:


▪ Understanding the bigger picture post-COVID and how to adapt to the new world of work

▪ Understand and experience how and why  leadership directly influences the bottom-line of an organisation

▪ Understanding the market environment  and its changing demands for the business and how appropriately respond to it

▪ Acquiring practical business acumen skills to drive business objectives and achieve required results in agile manner

▪ Pursuing strategic alignment and organisational objectives

▪ Supporting business improvement as an innovation process

▪ Learn the importance of taking  sound business decisions

▪ Avoiding silos, embracing collaboration

▪ Work as an effective team!

 “Our Business Acumen programmes are aligned to international best practice and with key outcomes customised and aligned to your organisation’s strategy”.


We have customisable programmes available in the following sectors: services (financial services, insurance, banking), wholesale retail sector, pharma, telecoms, food sector, FMCG, automotive (manufacturing/suppliers/retail), food processing/agriculture and general manufacturing environments.

Target Audience



  • Executive/Senior Management (Strategic).

  • Middle Management

  • Supervisory/Team Leaders.

  • Support Functions (Strategic/Planning,

  • Marketing, Finance, IT, Admin, HR, Operations, Logistics/Distribution).
