BTLS delivers powerful results for Business

  • BTLS was primarily designed as a business tool (unlike most other thinking tools)

  • Improved customer orientation

  • Team leadership development; improved coaching at all levels

  • Business improvement and innovation towards solutions for everyday problems


  • Integrative business approach – breaking down silos and enhance organisational performance
  • Improved job and personal traits matching, career planning

BTLS delivers powerful results for Individuals

    • BTLS personal or individual profiles provide powerful insight into how you think in the workplace

    • Improved sensitivity to why others may think differently to you


    • Personal development

    • Improve your coaching and leadership skills at all levels

    • Develop an innovation orientation in everything that you do

    • Improved job and personal traits matching

The BTLS Business Thinking and Leadership Styles is a modern, non-psychometric thinking styles profile that identifies one’s instinctive and preferred modes of thinking and communicating with others (understanding oneself, colleagues and customers).

The BTLS Business Thinking and

Leadership Styles provide context

about your approach to

Communication, Behaviours and

Workplace Habits, Innovation,

Leadership and Coaching and can

be used in leadership and management

programmes, personal development,

conflict management/-

resolution and team building.
