MLS Neuroscience Coaching

“Developing Individuals for Success”

Developing Individuals for Success 

Developing Individuals for Success is key for us at Market Leadership Systems Intl. We believe that everyone can be successful – we all have potential that can by unlocked!

Why  “Coaching for Business Impact”  matters? Four good reasons what you will get!

Understanding coaching for business 

The insight you will gain from the BTLS profile will help you understand how your colleagues and customers think about things, what is important to them and finding ways to communicate more effectively.

Understand your colleagues & customers


The combination of the BTLS Thinking Styles Profile combined with our Neuroscience Coaching technique, provide for powerful coaching environments. Its modern, best practice and fits seamlessly in with all our products!

Become inter-personally more effective

The combination of the BTLS Thinking Styles Profile combined with our SCARF Coaching technique, provide for powerful coaching environments. Our SCARF approach ensures that we deliver modern, international standard coaching to our clients.

Creating business impact



Better communication

Better project management

Creative problem-solving

Deliver exceptional results


The outcome of our coaching approach is to empower you to move forward, creating business impact at multiple levels and at all times – no more working in a mediocre manner and no more average results
