Shadowmatch helps you recruit and deploy talent with precision and purposefully develop individuals and teams

Shadowmatch helps you recruit and deploy talent with precision and purposefully develop individuals and teams

“Shadowmatch® is a precision recruitment and deployment tool to analyse whether prospective applicants will fit into your organisation and work areas, considering your culture and your way of doing things.Shadowmatch measures work place habits, is non-psychometric and is fully customised for your organisation - the perfect workforce optimisation tool.”


Financial & General Servic

Attracting the right talent to manage customer front lines, call centres, back office and operations, infrastructure and IT are daunting tasks.

Shadowmatch can help you recruit people into work areas that you know will likely be successful and delivering value where you need it most. Bottom-line results matter most.

Manufacturing & Retail

Attracting the right talent to manage supply chains, manufacturing environments, operations, warehousing, infrastructure, wholesale and retail merchandising are daunting tasks.

Shadowmatch can help you recruit people into work areas that you know will likely be successful and delivering value where you need it most. Efficiencies and bottom-line results are what matter.

Goverment & NGO's

Attracting the right talent to manage supply chains, manufacturing environments, operations, warehousing, infrastructure, wholesale and retail merchandising are daunting tasks.

Shadowmatch can help you recruit people into work areas that you know will likely be successful and delivering value where you need it most. Efficiencies and bottom-line results are what matter.

Why precision recruitment and deployment of talent matter…

Understanding the Bigger Picture


Attracting and retaining talented people are the hallmarks of leading organisations – they recruit with precision, deploy staff with precision and they know that they achieve results through successful people. This becomes a key differentiator compared to average or lagging organisations.

Benchmarks of successful people


Shadowmatch analyses the workplace habits and behaviours of successful people in your organisation. It is therefore based on proven success in the various work areas.

Successful individuals and teams

Shadowmatch can assist you with a clear understanding of the workplace habits and traits that make your people successful, what the various team structures look like
